Pink Letter J

Sunday, June 9, 2013

How do you Define Success?

What does success really mean? What is the perfect place where you can slap a gold star on your life and say, "I have achieved success?"

Success used to be measured in grades, degrees, and semesters. Now, in the work world its measured in promotions, new jobs, and the fancy things you can buy with your salary. But then we have no time to enjoy those things.

Truth be told, none of those things can really make us happy.

I love this quote by the Dalai Lama:

"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. Then he is so anxious about the future that he doesn't enjoy the present: the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived."

Right now I feel like I am that (wo)man. I'm not really living. I spend almost all of my time at work and under intense stress, and then by the time I get home I am too mentally and physically exhausted to do anything else with my day.

I wonder how many Americans live in a similar situation. We have so many pressures placed on us by family, friends, media, and ourselves. We think we have to present ourselves a certain way, to be at this or that function, not disappoint anyone, never mess up... we never get the chance to step back and event think about where all of this is heading or what the ultimate benefit is. 

I read a great great story this morning that really put the rat race into perspective on Becoming Minimalism blog. Because really, we work harder, to become more comfortable, so we can do less. But  by the time we get to the point where we can do less, our prime years of life have passed us by.

Personally, success for me would be to stress less, have a beautiful home, and feel safe and loved. I also aspire to do good work, whatever that may be. I have a mind that drives me to want to be creative, always be learning more, and desires to get to the root of every issue. It is not content to just "be." (Maybe I'll get there someday)

I also wish I could figure out relationships. At times I think I must have absolutely no personal relationship skills whatsoever. I can't seem to stay in touch with friends or family and its a blessing J+ has stuck with me as at times it seems I push him away. But these people, and these relationships (as long as they are healthy), are the roots of life! They are what helps us grow, gives life color, helps us bloom, and bring blessings into our lives.

I am still reaching for success. I just want to work on my definition of success. Do you ever struggle with defining success in your own life? 

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