Pink Letter J

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Well hello there, Boden!

So, I recently received a clothing company sales magazine in the mail the other day and I usually drop them in the trash pretty quick (nothing personal, I just already have enough temptations!) but this one caught my eye so I decided to take a little time to flip through it.

The first thing that caught my eye was that it was a clothing company that I had never heard before, Boden. Now I like to consider myself more or less aware of the fashion out  there (granted, its hard to know much when you basically live in "podunk" Texas). But the clothes fit my style almost head on so I was intrigued. And it looked like stylish, comfortable, work-ready, and classic pieces.

Also, what caught my eye was the props of these particular photos. The first few spreads featured a stylish, but tastefully dressed mother interacting with her two young "kids." I'm sure this has been done plenty of times before, but it really impressed me how well they showed the personality of the mother and the kids and the charm in their interaction.

Since they were portraying these clothes as for a hurried (but stylish) mother type, I took a closer look to see if these stylish pieces were dry clean only (which seems to be the case more and more often these days) and I was pleased to see they were in fact, a majority, MACHINE WASHABLE! Sweet!

Then, imagine my excitement when I saw "R & L" for many of their dresses and skirts, which I am happy to explain stood for "Regular and Long." (This did take me a minute to confirm since usually these days we see "Tall" in magazines when the option is in fact available.)

Needless to say, I am thrilled. I'm not thrilled that there's no budget for me right now to add to my wardrobe, but when the time comes they will certainly be a contender. Their skirts, dresses, and blouses fit my style almost exactly and what a bonus to actually find machine washable pieces for fashionable workwear these days!

For those of you who've already heard of them, lucky you. For the rest of us, our ignorance can be forgivingly attributed to the fact that they are a UK based company, so don't feel too bad.

And their taglines include a mission of creating clothing that lasts. Now that's something I can get excited about.

*This post is not sponsored by Boden, just my thoughts!

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