Pink Letter J

Monday, October 29, 2012

Are our closets out of control?

From my travels I am well aware that we as Americans are RIDICULOUS shoppers. Maybe it is in our DNA, maybe it is our consumerist society and our clever marketing and advertising companies getting even better, or maybe it is popular media (remember Lisa Turtle from Saved by the Bell?) brainwashing us to shop, shop, shop! Bored? Shop. Sad? Shop. Got a promotion? Shop. Hey, you deserve it! Even the leaders of our country encourage us to shop (George W. Bush informing us how to help save the economy...)

Whatever our excuse may be, we are all guilty, and WE are the ones that suffer. Not only our bank accounts (I am NEVER an advocate of shopping without the money being there!) but our fashion truly suffers as well! We have such a plethora of choices including the nearest mall, online shopping, and in our own closets, that it can feel like sensory overload.

I know that personally, if I get into the right mood, I can find myself trying on endless numbers of outfits and NOTHING is good enough. How is it possible?! How can it be that after 25 years of shopping and thousands of dollars spent, I can feel like I have absolutely nothing that is appropriate for a dinner out with friends.

Truth is, we have too many options. When it comes to fashion, it is always changing. There are always trends that come and go, looks of the moment, designers that rise and fall... but style is personal. Style does not rely on the fancies of the fashion world. It is you. Style is what makes you comfortable in your own skin. Style  helps makes you feel and look more beautiful by accentuating your greatest features and fitting you just right.

But, when you look at the rest of the world, particularly european countries such as Italy and France, those women have learned the art of "less is more." They seem to know that quality over quantity is the proper way to go. So, I encourage you to imagine if you had half the closet space that you do now, what would you keep and what would you toss? They say we wear 20% of our clothing 80% of the time. If you can filter out those items that are not truly you, aren't good quality, or that no longer fit, I guarantee you will begin to see less nights of feeling like you have nothing to wear!

If only my closet were this big:

Much more realistic...

What are your pieces that have stood the test of time? What do you think makes a quality item?

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