Pink Letter J

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Catching Up

Time for a little catch up. Unfortunately, the hubby and I had a less than desired "disaster" happen to the house that we've been having to clean up and handle for the past month or so. It's pretty much a nightmare, but I don't want to bring you down with sharing the details. But everyone is safe, and the house is salvageable (eventually it will be back to normal I hope). So, needless to say, I got distracted. So, sorry about that, but I'm back (I think).

So I guess we'll jump right in. I'm really starting to look into the a few business ideas I have. And the hubby and his friends are starting to see what the next steps should be for their business idea so it's been an exciting time in that sense. But, things overall are still moving at a glacial pace and I am pretty ready to make some serious headway.

My interests are both growing but also expanding into new things it seems like. It just depends on the blog trail I tend to get into, or the Pinterest pages I get into. I've been especially trying to improve on my calligraphy skills through practice and more online research and tutorials (I finally have an Etsy store up!). I plan to share of my work on here pretty soon. I've also picked up watercolor which I think will be a skill I can use to enhance the calligraphy into some pretty neat art pieces. We shall see!

The garden has been growing. I planted a few seeds here and there around the backyard to see what I might be able to do to turn my black thumb into a green thumb. Either sheer will, luck, or a little experience is showing that I can, in fact, grow things and it is very exciting. We have some zinnias, calendula, celosia, and a few other things in the works, and even the sprouting of the promise of a lemon tree (they take three years to fruit, no time like the present to plant something, no?). I love the joy of tending to the garden each day and seeing what my labors are producing, even in the blistering heat!

Even though I haven't been tending to my own blog, I've been visiting lots of other blogs and getting ideas and inspiration. There are some really amazing creative people out there that are so impressive. It's a lot to aspire to but I think it could be a great outlet for me.

And last but not least the puppies are well, the family is well, and I have even managed to fit a few work-outs here and there. No complaints. Hopefully more exciting posts to come soon!

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