Pink Letter J

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Water and Vinegar Cleaner

I was needing a cleaner, fast, and hopefully cheap. I found some Pinterest recipes that shared a recipe for a homemade cleaner made of 1/2 vinegar, 1/2 filtered water, and a couple teaspoons of lemon juice.

Easy enough. Well I am here to report that this is a great recipe for a low-cost, effective, everyday cleaner. Sure, you might need some more tough stuff for really bad stains, etc. But you don't need that kind of power, and toxins, everyday.

I've been using the cleaner for awhile now and at first I admit the vinegar smell bothered me slightly. But, I assure you that the smell quickly fades away (usually about half an hour) and you've got a sparkling, disinfected, countertop. And if you think about it, most cleaners have their own chemical smell that lingers for a bit anyways.

But more important is the non-toxic aspect of the cleaner to me. I enjoy knowing that the cleaner I use won't harm me, my pets, or the environment. Its harmless and effective. I recommend it! (And not to mention its cheap!!)

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