Pink Letter J

Friday, May 24, 2013

What are we busy about?

I don't know how not to be busy. As long as I can remember I have always had high stress events, projects, priorities, parties... on the horizon. In elementary school, it was a choir group, gifted classes, "24" game events, gymnastics, classes on etiquette, soccer league, and of course, friendships.

In Jr. High it was band, sports (all of them, basically), cheerleading, clubs, advanced classes, (attempting) theatre, church youth group.

In high school it was more sports, more clubs, more advanced classes, and student council.

In college it was classes, classes, classes, friends, socializing, clubs, part time jobs...

After college it was WORK WORK WORK, professional development training, going back to school, networking organizations, boards, relationships...

So I supposed it is understandable that to have a night where I purposefully choose to stay in instead of going out, to have nothing I necessarily have to do, just feels a bit wrong.

But I don't think it should be that way! I don't understand why I don't feel OK to just have a glass of tea and think about my life. I rarely can be caught just watching TV without multi-tasking online browsing, Pinterest, Facebook, online shopping, etc.


Is it the digital age? It seems like it is more work to hide all of my devices than to just log on. When do we learn to just "RELAX?"

And I don't even have kids yet! Is life to simply be busy?

There's a quote I am reminded of often when I feel like I'm just running towards nothing...

"It's not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The questions is: What are we busy about?" -Henry David Thoreau

And sometimes, I'm truly unsure of WHAT I am SO busy about! I think one day I will wake up, my computers will be gone, and all of those hours of mindless online surfing will be for naught. Then what?

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