Pink Letter J

Monday, May 27, 2013

5 Tips for a Stress-free House Party

I love a good house party. Being able to entertain friends and family to me, is one of the greatest joys in life. But, it can also be quite stressful as well. Over the years I've learned a few important lessons along the way that can help parties go more smoothly and enjoyably.

1. Make sure you have plenty of toilet paper and hand soap

This should be a no brainer, but there has been more than one occasion in my life, my party or others, where they did not have enough toilet paper on hand for the party so someone has to go out and buy more during the party, or you're having to use tissue paper. Either way, you're better off overstocking just in case.

2. Help keep things clean with plenty of trash cans and paper towels

Big party, or small party, its inevitable that something will get spilled. Accidents happen! Thats part of the risk of opening your home though. The best thing you can do is keep plenty of paper towels and cleaner ready to go. And keep plenty of trash cans around so people can try to help as much as possible to keep things clean. (and empty and refill with new trash bags when they get full). When there's no where to drop their trash, their only choice is to leave it out for you to clean up the next day.

3. Serve easy food, and don't over spend

I've been guilty, more than once, of serving too much food where most of it goes to waste. And/or its just not really appreciated. Most people focus around easy chips and dip or some other simple dish while a fancy casserole or something goes to waste. Unless it is designed as a dinner party, people won't judge you for not having a gourmet appetizer selection. But they might get grumpy if there is nothing to snack on.

4. Don't wait till the last minute

If you can prepare food a day before, if you can clean a day or week before, you will save yourself so much stress the day-of. Nothing is more stressful then trying to clean one last room while you hear the doorbell ringing and people beginning to arrive. Have everything cleaned and all the food ready to go so you too can relax and enjoy the party

5. Don't over stress

I can't help but feel a little self conscious when welcoming others into my home. I don't know what their pre-conceived expectations were or if they're going to find a dusty corner or some other less than sparkling clean thing, or my dog will jump on them... who knows. But, most people are just happy to be there and they don't care. And if they do, that's their problem. The most important part about any party is to be able to share quality time with friends and family

Hope these tips were helpful! Good luck!

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